Videos & Comics

Even before I had access to actual video cameras, I have been interested in the motion picture business for a long time. Videos are a vital part of my life because it’s the best way to share things that I’ve been doing and things that are going on in my life with my friends who are thousands of miles away. Furthermore, it’s an excellent hobby to develop your creativity and build unique skills and character qualities such as patience.

Lego Stopmotion

Legos have been in my life even before I can remember. I’ve always been a guy up for building something new and creative out of Legos. One can imagine how thrilled I was one day when I realized I could combine movie-making with Legos through the magic of Lego stopmotion. Though a tedious operation, the rewards are thrilling and easy to be appreciated by everyone. I’ve recently gotten big into stopmotion since an array of decent technology came into my life and as a result of a good friend of mine who gave me a world of inspiration. In the past couple of years I’ve done a variety of short comic Lego stopmotion skits.  Recent projects include The Chronicles of Jello Commander, Adventures in Zalamaranzibo, and The Steve & Trev Show.

Music Videos

Though I have not stayed very consistent, whenever I have the urge and the time to do so, I have a lot of fun making music videos for some of my best songs. You can check them out here.
Other Videos

Besides Lego stopmotion and music videos, it is important for me to keep my friends and other people back in the United States informed about all that our family is doing here in Africa. That is why it is common for me to make “documentaries” telling about all that our family is doing here in Africa. Besides that, it’s not unheard of for me to post videos of my cats or other random things that make my life colorful!



Some of the stuff I’ve been working on lately includes: The Chronicles Of Jello Commander, a comic Lego stopmotion series; some random videos about our family’s work in Africa; some cool inspirational videos to help encourage fellow Christians; and music videos for my most popular Christian rock & contemporary songs.  In the future, I would like to produce a half-hour Lego stopmotion video pointing out the ludicrosy of calling the Theory of Evolution a fact.  If successful, it will no doubt be one of the highlights of my highschool years.




Please feel free to come and check out all my cool videos on YouTube.  To watch my music videos, visit my Keyboardist14 channel.  To watch some whacky awesome Lego stopmotion videos and other cool stuff, visit my WiiBrick channel.




Besides straight videos, I am also the creator of a Lego minifigure comic series called  Minifigs Among Us.  I have found comics to be a great way to combine my love for Legos, photography, animation, and creativity.  Though I have not been incredibly consistent in production, the five-episode saga currently only lacks to episodes to completion.  The currently-released episodes can be viewed here.


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